Thursday, March 26, 2009

Schindler's List

2. Schindler's list is a movie about the holocaust which focuses on the effects on over 1000 peoples lives via the aid of Oskar Schindler a member of the Nazi party. The movie starts with the formation of his factory, and the relocated Jews to the Krakow ghetto, and ends as a haven for a small portion of the many Jews affected by the Holocaust.

Oskar starts by saving Jews through his employed accountant, Itzhak Stern, and saves many people. This man tries to save many people claiming that they are essential workers but is smart and makes it into a more appeasing deal claiming that Jews cost less than Poles. Schindler befriends a man named Amon Goethe who is in Krakow in order to set up a new concentration camp and continues to receive help and support from the SS. This relationship with the SS, his friends in high places, allows him to go fairly undetected in his saving of the Jewish people in his factory. At more than one point throughout the movie his workers are taken away from him and he has to get them back, they are all in grave danger at these times. On one of these occasions his workers are sent to Auschwitz concentration camp and the workers almost don't make it out. Schindler travels there and saves them himself. At the end of the movie the war is officially ending and as Schindler leaves his favored workers he realized how many more lives he could have saved.


a. To me power is the ability to control everything around you, how things happen, where they happen and when they happen, it is the ability of an earned position in which there are no variables in anything you wish to accomplish. You know how it happens and know what must be done.
To Goethe power seemed to be the ability to control other people, even abusively . He seemingly found power in harming others and enjoyed it in a way. Making himself feel better was his power.
To Schindler power was money and being able to do what you want. He demonstrates this with his relationships with those in high and low society during the movie.
Yes, Schindler and Goethe both misuse their power. Goethe misuses it in form of abusiveness, he abuses the Jewish girl Helen Hirsch both sexually and physically and he knows he cannot get in trouble for it because of his power. Schindler misuses his power in a way but this misuse is for the good of these thousand Jewish people. He uses his high position to do things considered illicit by his affiliated party.

b. At first Schindler was the "criminal" tricking the Nazi party, using the Jewish community as a way to obtain higher profit, and was only in it for profit at first creating his "antihero" status. As time went on he realized what was happening, a specific event that brought on this realization was the girl in the red dress. He saw this little girl who couldn't have been over 5 years old walking around and all of the death surrounding her. A while later he is where bodies are to be burned and sees a little red dress being removed from the ground amongst the dead. This was his first big realization; they were normal people too. From then on he took his workers lives very seriously and worked to obtain more and protected the children ferociously.

This film was extremely effective. Everything about the film really drew the veiwer in to this realistic representation of the Holocaust. It gave me a deeper understanding of what was going on. As time goes on I realize that there were more death scenes than I remember and slowly they are coming back to me, it is almost as if my brain blocked these out because they were extremely effective in the peice. They were something so horrible I didn't want to remember or realize how realisitic they really were. This movie is now one of my favorites and is a good representation of what Schindler did for those 1100 Jews.